Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Change ~ Doesn't Have to Be a Bad Thing

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(I hope that you will join us on our facebook page at Be Positively Inspired)

And the day came when the rise to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~ Anaïs Nin

I haven't posted in a while. I felt that something with my blog here need to change. I wasn't sure what exactly that was; I just knew that something needed to be different. Posting to our facebook page has never been an issue; I do that daily, but simply re-posting what I posted there didn't seem to be the right thing. I thought maybe a change in venue would be the trick; but that didn't feel "right" to me. You will notice that I did re-design the page a bit tough.

I also added a couple of pages; one is an About Me page and the other is an BPI (Be Positively Inspired) Amazon Affiliate Store (please check it out here). There are a couple of categories - Kindle, Inspirational Books and Vicki's Picks.  My wonderful hubby bought me the Kindle Fire - I LOVE IT, so I naturally had to include it. If you are buying it to use mainly as an e-reader you will love it. If you are buying it to use a tablet . . . there are other tablets out there that offer some other features that you may enjoy more. Inspirational books are by those who I love to quote and those who I love to read. And Vicki's picks are my books simply for the story. So far it seems I have a it may seem that there are a lot of vampire/witch/werewolf type books on there I have a broad range of things that I enjoy reading and I will add more later. If you have read something you'd like to share with me drop me a comment or message me on facebook.

I get comfortable in my routine so change can be a bit daunting. But sometimes change has a way of hitting you upside the head and resisting it . . . is just, well, futile. I worked last evening making changes to the design of this blog and thinking about future blog posts and then this evening some bad news that threw a monkey wrench into the works. I am hoping that everything works out the way that it should.

I hope that you will join me on my journey to see this through. I hope that you will join me on facebook at Be Positively Inspired or here on my personal page.

Nothing in its essence is one way or the other. All around us the wind, the fire, the earth, the water, are always taking on different qualities; they're like magicians. We also change like the weather. We ebb and flow like the tides, we wax and wane like the moon. We fail to see that like the weather, we are fluid, not solid. And so we suffer.~ Pema Chodron - Comfortable with Uncertainty